Introduction: Eesha Ahmed

Hi everyone! My name is Eesha Ahmed and I like being called Eesha but my friends have given me so many nicknames that I also like being called. The most notable of which being Eesh, Eesh-kabob, Eesh-quiche, and Wiz KalEesha, given to me in freshmen year biology before performing a protein rap for the class. Feel free to call me any of these (most people tend to go with Eesha or Eesh).

My current major is biochemistry, on the pre-med track, and potential minor in economics. I may switch to biomedical engineering, or another kind of engineering, sometime this year, but for now I have my sights set on becoming a neurologist.

My earliest memory of watching a horror movie was at 4 years old, but since my family has a tendency of leaving babies in the room while watching horror movies, it very well could have been earlier. I have been obsessed with scary movies for as long as I can remember, but the ones that always interest me most are ones with a good plot line and a fair amount of screamers. Zombies terrify me more than most monsters, but that’s probably why I like zombie movies so much. More often than not I can count on them freaking me out for about 2 hours. My favorite zombie movies include Train to Busan, World War Z, and 28 Weeks Later.

My least favorite monsters are ghosts, mostly based on ghost-movies having a tendency to be super boring and awful. Ghost movies have the potential to be really spooky but they usually just waste a few hours of my life. Aside from ghost movies being awful, actual ghost stories I have heard do tend to spook me out sometimes because of how realistic they seem and their potential to be true, another reason why they are my least favorite.

My goals for this class are to become a better writer and further improve my critical thinking skills.

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