Thursday, 10/19


  1. Midterm survey
  2. Workshopping Essay 2, Draft 1
  3. Reviewing requirements for SW8
  4. Next class: bring revised Essay 2 draft to class (with added conclusion) and read Twilight passages on Canvas


Peer Review–Workshopping Essay 2, Draft 1

As before, please follow the directions for WORKSHOPPING found in the Peer Review Guidelines file posted on Canvas. Even though these drafts are incomplete (and may be quite rough), I want you to take your time carefully reading each other’s drafts, compiling as much helpful feedback as you can, and asking/answering questions in your groups. This process should take about 60 minutes (about 20-25 minutes to read your group members’ drafts and then about 10-15 minutes of discussion per paper), so plan accordingly. You should not begin writing SW8 at this point.

Other things to keep in mind:

  • Offer constructive criticism to help move the other person’s draft forward–remember, being too nice or vague is just as unhelpful as being too critical or nit-picky. Really think about what is working so far and what your partner needs to work on next.
  • Focus more on the ideas of the essay rather than grammar/wording–consider what the writer is trying to do. Consider the strength of your partner’s thesis, how they present the context and support for their argument, etc. Ask them about what they hope to accomplish in the essay as a whole, what other information/sources they hope to add/find, etc.
  • Refer to the Essay 2 assignment requirements and guidelines when reading and making your comments–after all, these are the standards the writer will be graded on.
  • Annotate (write notes/questions, underline, highlight, etc.) the draft as you are reading–this will help you to better sum up your overall thoughts on the essay and pinpoint particular areas you might want to comment on for your SW8.


Reviewing requirements for SW8

Please follow the directions for RESPONDING found in the Peer Review Guidelines file posted on Canvas. As you did for SW4, make sure you re-upload your comments on your peer’s drafts back into your group’s folder as Word docs.

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